
Home - Photoshoot

    Kavaki pt

    Kavaki pt Kavaki Personal Training & Coaching   Pam Gijsen wilde voor haar, toen nog op te starten, onderneming een website hebben. Tijdens het eerste gesprek, bleek dat de wens groter was dan alleen een website. Uiteindelijk, hebben we...

    Eva’s first session

    Eva’s first session

    After doing a few shots during a party we had both attended, we had decided to...

    Mad Max

    Mad Max

    Model: Natasja Bode | instagram | facebook | Kleding: Femke...

    blue hot pants

    blue hot pants

    blue hot pants The kid had had his second round of vaccines. The weather was great, so we decided to take a day off and drive to the coast...

    White dress

    White dress

    Her first ever photo shoot we did outside the house.



      The second set of My first collab with Deborah. We searched for a location but couldn't find it, so we went to Ikea.... well the parking lot. We had found a good spot with a few...

    Riding Shotgun

    Riding Shotgun

    I'll be riding shogun, underneath the hot sun, Feeling like a someone... Imagine this setting: an overspeeding, fast and lowered BMW with almost all windows open. No suspension to speak...

    sunday afternoon

    sunday afternoon

    This wasn't supposed to become a set, but it did. "Sunday Afternoon" was casually shot when we were waiting for the F1 race to start. She had just woken up from her afternoon nap and fell...

    Summer dress

    Summer dress

    This is the first planned shoot since the Corona outbreak kind of cleared my agenda. No one better than my own wife ( and now signed model to yours truly ) to be the...



    This set started out as a study for a photo shoot that never happened. I found the end result too good to leave unpublished, so decided to treat it and edit it as a...

    beach babe

    beach babe

    captured on 28-07-2013 at the beach of Ijmuiden ( I think ) camera: HTC one phone model: Geeke

    White and blue

    White and blue

    White and blue were shot only a few weeks after a very dark period in our lives. She wanted to feel female and pretty again, so out came the less casual clothing and a bit of makeup....

    sundown at the beach.

    sundown at the beach.

    Sundown at the beach was shot on 03-08-2014, a few weeks before we were to leave for IVF3. We were still very hopeful back then. IVF3 resulted...

    Gangsta Napper

    Gangsta Napper

    Due to Steinert's disease, her energy levels are a lot less than ours and as such, my wife sleeps and naps a lot. We like to take that with a joke or two, and when we came across the Gangsta Napper sleeping shirt, we just had to get it. That's when...

    Portuguese straw hat

    Portuguese straw hat

    We have bought this hat in Setúbal, Portugal back in 2004 while on vacation there. The only time it has been seen in public was when we brought it home. It was then carefully hanged on the wall as a remembrance of where half of my family comes...

    You’re the one that I want….

    You’re the one that I want….

    Grease is one of her favorite movies. She got offered a Pink Ladies costume, so she wanted to do a shoot. Reluctantly, because guess who has to transform the livingroom into a spontaneous photoshoot area, I accepted the challenge, "remodeled" the...

    Belle and the cat.

    Belle and the cat.

    This is the third shoot the wife and I did using the studio lights. This time I set the lights differently than before. The left side were setup as high as possible, shining down, the right side was set as low as possible shining up. I've also...

    black bathing suit.

    black bathing suit.

    SO, the missus and her best friend decided to go swimming. There was a lesson of this or the other zumba wattersport thing they wanted to attend to. Since my car was broken and I couldn't take her there, she called a cab. So far so good. The cab...