Portuguese straw hat

door | nov 15, 2019 | Geeke | 0 Reacties

Home - Wat ik doe - Fotografie - models - Geeke - Portuguese straw hat

We have bought this hat in Setúbal, Portugal back in 2004 while on vacation there. The only time it has been seen in public was when we brought it home. It was then carefully hanged on the wall as a remembrance of where half of my family comes from.

This set was part of the Pink Lady one. However, since it had a total different look and feel I decided to separate it.


Camera: Canon Eos 550D Handheld
Lens: Canon EFS 18-55mm

Model: Geeke van der Veen
Mua: Geeke van der Veen
Special shoutout to Samantha Vosveld.

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